OT Security Services

OT Security Services

The technological integration of IT&OT networks due to digital transformation leverages data and analytics to provide innovative capabilities, interconnected systems, and streamlined efficiencies. This convergence has also expanded the attack surface leading to new risks. Digital success will depend more on robust security strategies and approaches as industrial connectedness is bound to proliferate exponentially. Be it discovering existing security weaknesses or foreseeing future risks; enterprises feel the need to have next-gen proactive security solutions and capabilities to ensure total visibility & enable risk management for strengthening their ability to combat complex attacks.

Industrial OT Security Challenges

  • Increasing number of malicious actors targeting the OT/IIOT domain

  • Minimal visibility into the security posture of OT assets

  • Legacy defense mechanisms are easily bypassed by complex, malicious entities

  • Improper implementation/utilization of existing security controls

  • Complex, heterogeneous, and in-secure by design nature of industrial networks

  • Unawareness on how to use Threat Intelligence (TI) to enable security operations team readiness

  • Shortage of qualified ICS/OT security resources & manpower

  • Lack of security awareness amongst staff members