About JS Global IT Consultancy Services

About JS Global IT Consultancy Services

JS Global IT Consultancy Services is an ISO certified,  organisation offering numerous solutions and awareness programs in the domain of cybersecurity consulting, assessments, solutions and services company.

With a view to create and train the organisations and individuals for proactive cyber security risks assessments, JS Global runs comprehensive training programs, courses and awareness modules at various educational institutions aiming at keeping the risk of being breached at the lowest level.

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Training Mechanism at JS Global

We at JS Global nurturing an environment of acing the cyber security training industry through our comprehensive technological training modules. Our training courses are certified by the ace institutions CISCO and we follow strict parameters laid down by CISCO exam blueprints in our programs.

All the programs are in their latest version and training is imparted on real CISCO devices as laid down by the CISCO lab exam equipment checklist. All our training programs aim at all round professional development of the candidates and help them in gaining the required practical experience.

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Our Courses

Enroll Yourself with us and change your life for betterment!

Increased dependence on cyber world has led to an increase in demand for professionals who are well verge with the latest networking technologies in use and the most trending security and networking tools with on hand practical exposure on real life equipments.

We offer specialized and a limited number of job oriented courses and trainings focusing on imparting necessary industry skills in our candidates. IT background of the candidate is not at all a compulsive criteria and only a graduation degree is required. The various courses offered by us are:-

Anyone who wants to mark his name in networking and cyber security industry and leave an impression should select anyone of the above courses and experience the change.

Ready to get started? we’re here to help.

Engage with us so we can understand your needs and provide the right solution
to help you stay protected and fulfill your security goals.

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Cybersecurity Projects
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Cybersecurity Experts